We are taking a poll on who you think Cate looks like in this picture:

That's me (dad) on the left:

It looks like she has some blonde hair in this picture, but she doesn't. It's got some red in it, but she will be a brunette with striking blue-eyes, with a figure to kill for, a personality like no other, and an innate ability to marry for money. Lots of it. Enough for her parents, too.

Even a fun-loving soul like Cate needs to get serious sometimes. In this picture, Maggie is reading some of Voltaire's work. Personally, I don't like him, but I want her to be well-rounded. Besides, it will take MONTHS before she can fully appreciate philosophers like Kant or Nietzsche.

I think she looks like Josh in the picture, but I could be wrong.
See you in a couple weks and where is my coffee??
Your coffee is coming! Actually, we mailed it via Priority Mail last night.
I am not particularly proud of ANY of the coffee you are getting, except for the... Wait... I can't remember what I sent you. I think I may have sent you some Yirgacheffe, but it might also be a Daterra Farms Yellow Bourbon. The Yirgacheffe would be Ethiopian Oromia FT (free trade). I can't remember what I roasted anymore!!! Sorry. The Yirgacheffe will be a smaller bean. I KNOW I send you some Kona (big bean). I am particularly not proud of the Kona, but you might like it. It all depends on your taste buds, but I know I can do much better on that.
Anyway... let me know what you like, and I'll send more.
If Andrea and Donna are reading this, yours is coming! I want Jen's opinion before I send to you guys. Jen drinks more coffee, so I know she'll get me some feedback right away.
Ciao for now!
Jen - I may have also sent you some Costa Rica Hacienda La Minita. Not sure. It should be labeled though.
Yeah for coffee. So was I right, is it Josh that Cate looks like?
We looked at baby pictures of Josh and Jess, and compared them to Cate. I don't think either kid looks much like her, believe it or not. I'll have to check again to see if Josh looks MORE like her than Jess did. That is a distinct possibility.
Make sure you keep me posted on which beans you like/don't like.
I immediately thought JOSH, but that may be the quality of the smile more than anything else...
I only drink coffee. Well, coffee and water and once in awhile tea. I don't drink soda or iced tea, just coffee. So, you know, send it on!
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