Not much to say... Cate is getting more hair, so that's always exciting. She still doesn't say much, but is noisy pretty much all day nonetheless.
She is getting better at eating, and now will try to hand her plate or bowl to Mommy when she is finished, rather than just toss it on the floor. However, Maggie had better be close by, because Cate will still toss it on the floor if Mommy doesn't respond quickly.
I lost A TON of pictures from the last few months in a computer crash (I hadn't backed up lately... STUPID). So I will try to be better about posting pictures (as a form of backup).
1 comment:
Hi Cate, Love the blog. Sometimes you guest star as my desktop at work, did you know that? Everyone thinks you're the cutest kid they ever saw.
Tell the rest of our family to start blogging again... its so dull to visit their blogs and not see anything new!
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