Cate became Princess Cate on her first dress-up Halloween. Of course, we don't think she was actually "in the moment", but it was fun for us to see her all dressed up.

I have no caption for this one. It leaves me breathless. My GOD I make beautiful children (Maggie helped).
Princess Cate has completed her duties, and is heading back to the house. Do you see the wave? The smile? It's all rehearsed. She performed beautifully. See below if you want to see the "man behind the curtain" (so-to-speak). Don't scroll down if you don't want to see "the dark side" of royalty.
I told you... I warned you. But you didn't listen. Behind all the glitter and makeup we are all the same. There are no heroes, no superhumans. Just real people. *sob*
How sad to see another "royal" hitting the bottle...just kidding, she's adorable, as usual. Hopefully she wasn't tramatized by any "ugly" costumes. Zombies, bloody things and the like. Did she get to have any of the "loot"? Or did Daddy "Help" her go through her candy and give her the apples and the gingersnaps and take all the candy bars away...oh wait, that's what my brother did...never mind.
Talk to you soon,
Love, Donna
P.S. Love the pink tennies!
Sooooo cute! Too funny.
She helped pass out the loot. Fortunately, there were no scary costumes.
Our princess had a full day which included attending Sara's party at school.
So, she was ready for bed at her usual time- 7pmish.
As for the candy. Well, we had lots of leftover. It all went in the trash. The girls keep theirs in their room, and there's usually still plently left by Easter. But, I think it'll find it's way to the garbage before Christmas.
Good post.
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